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Supporting the #NoMoreToys movement


As my son's 2nd birthday was approaching, I was excited about throwing a fun party but dreading the gifts.  They cause other parents stress, take up a lot of space, and my son had plenty of clothes and toys already.  Plenty.  The one thing we could always use more of were books!  As a book giver already, my key issue was how to know what a child already had so I wouldn't be adding the fourth copy of The Hungry Caterpiller to their library.  


So, I created a tool to let people know what books my son had and welcomed new ideas for expanding his collection.  When I started to tell other parents about it, I realized this was a tool they wanted as well.  Red Antler was born!  â€‹


My son, Taij (rhymes with "page"), was the inagrual registry on Red Antler.  You can check it out here.

Red Antler Founder, Nina Sodhi, at her son's birthday.

Fast Facts

Founded: April 2016

Headquarters: New York City

Funding: $0

Accelerator: Nextt

Mompreneur: Nina Sodhi

Built quickly on: Wix and Google Forms

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